Your success in organic search depends on if you optimize by combining on-page and off-page factors or not. These factors are the critical determinants of SEO. Focus has, for some time, been tipping towards off-page techniques; however, for some semblance, the on-page technique needs to be integrated into the system for fundamentals.

So what is on-page SEO? This is a technique that seeks to help optimize pages to enhance the search engine to improve rankings and earn traffic. On-page optimization seeks to ensure your page has key attributes of being trustworthy, authoritative, and with a high level of expertise. To ensure this, you need to publish content that is highly relevant and of undoubted quality. The technique prioritizes increasing your web page visibility, and to do so, various factors must be employed together.



The importance of On-page SEO

Search engines rely heavily on on-page optimization to comprehend your website as well as its content. By doing so, it investigates the relevance of the content in regard to the user’s query. Google – a reputable search engine has advanced algorithms that help understand the query and deliver results tailored to meet the query relevance. As a technician or a web professional, you need to be able to adapt to such changes and remain relevant among billions of competing sites. And, you can do so by ensuring the content you post on your website, visible or not, is well-structured and optimized in accordance with the most recent practices.

When focus and attention are put into on-page optimization, chances are that you will surely realize a rise in the views, clicks, and general search presence. The following nine factors, when strictly followed and executed, will earn you higher ranks, traffic, and presence at the top.

Title tag

This is an HTML tag found in the head section of a webpage. It gives a context of what the search may be about. Usually, it permanently features in the result pages and is used as a link one can click on. However, it is easy to overlook the title tag, especially since it is not that important. But again, if you so as miss, duplicate, or write the title poorly, it will significantly affect your search engine optimization results negatively.


It stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. This is a parameter Google uses to assess the suitability of websites, webpages, webpage creators, etc. Essentially, Google does this to ensure proper work is rewarded and shoddy job punished. Therefore, it uses this tool to check the integrity and quality of the content in question such that highly rated posts will receive more likes and views than those that have low work delivery parameters. Therefore, it is clear that whatever appears among the best or frequent searches is highly regarded by Google.

Meta description

These usually give a short description of what the page is all about. They are displayed under the title page in the SERPs. However, according to Google, meta tags and descriptions do not account for the rankings. Nevertheless, evidence indicates that better descriptions indirectly help in the rankings.


Compelling headlines help your website to be a competing website. You should ensure your headline captures the two crucial things, the click and the impression. Of course, an impression will lead to a click ultimately. Your headline is the door to your webpage; therefore, making it attractive appeals the users to use it more often. That is why, when creating it, use the best strategy possible.

Header tags

These are HTML elements used in identifying headings and subheadings within the content you post. Even though the importance of this factor has, for days, reduced in influence on web rankings, it is still equally important for enhancing them. They make it easier for users to read through your content easily. It also provides users with content rich with keywords for easy access.

SEO writing

This is a strategy that enables the writer to produce content with two angles in mind; the content must cover the users and the search engines. The content you are tasked to produce must be quality, relevant, and substantial.

Content audit

It would be best if you put as much focus on auditing your old content as writing a new one. Auditing helps you to evaluate the prudence in continuation. If your past content has not achieved the set ROI target, then chances are that your new content will not reach those goals as well. Auditing will help you realize the missing points so that you improve on your work in the next project.

A content audit is a tool that will be highly beneficial to you and your website; that is why it is recommended to be conducted often.

Image optimization

Images improve the impression of the site to the user. It is appealing hence often used to bring numbers to your wall. However, different images deliver different results; for instance, a large image size can quickly sabotage your web by making it very slow. Image optimization, when done correctly, can lead to better web rankings, faster page loading, and excellent user experience.

User engagement

This is the tricky part in any field of business – to retain the user. Users are selective and straightforward; they will jump ship whenever something goes wrong with your website. Since they prefer speed, content, and experience, you should focus on how to improve these factors.


On Page Optimization [bottom line]

To ensure numbers, traffic, and activity on your website, you need to strategize to win the user’s trust and confidence as well as the search engines. With the investment and technology that has been put forward, a poor content post cannot make it to the best sites. On-page optimization involves a series of factors that seek to help the writer to produce the best quality writings to pass the Google algorithm test. They include the title and heading optimization, keyword cannibalization, content auditing, etc. however, less critical they are, they always matter in one way or another.

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